LNG Online 21/04

10:00 am remove 10:30 am
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM London Time
10:30 am remove 11:15 am
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM London Time

Impact of Ukraine War on LNG Shipping

Thumbnail Jason Feer, Head of Business Intelligence, Poten and Partners

Thumbnail Cara Striegold, GBU PRM Risk Manager, Bechtel Corporation

Thumbnail Mark Jackson, CEO, Baltic Exchange

• How is the war in Ukraine impacting global LNG supply and demand flows?
• Does enough liquefaction and shipping infrastructure exist to replace Russian gas?
• What are the benefits for a gas-hungry Europe for Americas producers?
• How are these market changes, combined with the “panic buying” of cargo space affecting shipping costs/cargo prices?

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