Power Forecasting Online 15/02/23

2:30 pm remove 2:55 pm

How Virtual Power Plants can improve short-term power forecasts for solar and wind power plants

Thumbnail Dr. Varun Gaur, Deputy General Manager, energy & meteo systems

• Data acquisition, monitoring and validation
• Forecast combination and optimisation
• Some examples and case studies

2:55 pm remove 3:40 pm

Power forecasting toolkit: What’s available?

Thumbnail Fabio Casamatta, Head of Trading and Execution, A2A

Thumbnail Nigeria Bloczynski, Founder & Principal, Prism

Thumbnail Brock Mosovsky, Co-Founder and VP - Analytics, cQuant.io

• Are the models adapting well to the current turmoil? Have predictions lost in accuracy as a result of the energy crisis?
• What do you do when your forecasts turn out to be wrong? How wrong can they be?
• How will your specific portfolio respond to forecast misses (sensitivity, etc.)? How can you guard against this?
• Short-term vs longer-term forecasting
• How will virtual power plants affect prices as we move toward a more distributed generation mix in the future?

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