TRADERS LIVE Online 14th [09:00-11:00]

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PPAs future market developments, opportunities and trends

Thumbnail Viviana Ciancibello, Business Development Expert, European Energy Exchange (EEX)

Thumbnail You Zhou, Senior Power Originator, DXT Commodities SA

Thumbnail Jorge Arenillas, VP Energy Management, Sonnedix

Thumbnail Dr. Steffen Hundt, CEO & Co-Founder, Think RE

• What are the key opportunities within
• PPA trading markets? Where are they located? Is there open access availability?
• PPAs management, pricing and new clearing solutions
• Using PPAs as a tool to manage risks and finance the energy transition
• What is the relationship between the PPA and the wholesale markets in terms of price, baseload and indexing?
• What are the implications of integrating renewable energy players in wholesale markets?

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Market dimensions of ‘Fit for 55 package’

Thumbnail Aditya Sharma, Senior VP, Boson Energy SA

• Clean Hydrogen for BEVs - price parity with diesel
• ETS Phase IV and Carbon pricing
• Fiscal concessions expected by renewable power producers for producing Hydrogen under EU's Hydrogen Strategy, 2030

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Biofuels & Biomass - driving a low carbon future, or double edged sword?

Thumbnail Moderator: Marc Ostwald, Chief Economist & Global Strategist, ADM ISI

Thumbnail Raman Kavalchuk, Chairman of the Board, Langskip Energy Nordic Oy

Thumbnail Bharadwaj Kummamuru, Executive Director, World Bioenergy Association

Thumbnail Nicki Dalgaard, CEO, Disruptive Biotrading

• A deeper look into renewable fuel global trade, supply and demand dynamics
• The role of woodchips and other organic waste
• The role of bioenergy in a climate-changing world
• How does the global Ethanol trade look post covid and in the Biden era?

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